Day Support Services

Premier Community Supports provides Day Support Services to individuals with intellectual and development disabilities. We are thrilled to offer Day Support Services at our Day Supports Activities (DSA) building in Josephine County! This important social service provides individuals with community-based activities such as day trips, walks, meal outings, and participation in community events, etc. This is an exciting opportunity for individuals and the public to interact with each other outside the home.

This service also gives the people we support the chance to get involved with group activities that includes socializing with friends, arts & crafts, Club Wellness, and more! These types of activities are inspired by the personal preferences of individuals and their loved ones and/or Guardian.  This service allows individuals to form deeper and more meaningful relationships with their communities.

Premier Community Supports makes it our mission to create new ways to support individuals in skill building, independence, and community integration. We invite you to get involved in supporting the individual in your care as they gain confidence in their communities.

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